Monday, September 28, 2009


It's so hard to keep up with this blog. So much goes on and I forget to update you guys.

I got a cool internship shadowing doctors for a year in different departments. I was wondering if my timing was off and maybe I should wait when I'm closer to applying for medical school. But oh well, I'm committed now. Also, school starts today so I can't take up too much time trying to make decisions outside of my school work.

I'll be working my new job with an ambulance company real soon. Last week we had training and it was pretty cool. Long and tedious, but I was able to drive the ambulance truck. I'll tell you, that thing is wider than you think when driving. I thought I was so cool in it until they made us run a course with cones in between. LOL. Ya I ran one of them down and some I had to back up just to get through them. Good times I tell ya.

Anyway, that's a quick look at what's currently going on. A few weeks ago I was blogging how hard it was to pick classes and what direction to go, but one you get your classes at first, the ball starts to roll so it's all good for now. Plus when I was doing orientation for my internship, I met a lot of people in the same boat as I, Non-Trad Pre Meds alike. It was awesome because finally people I get along with and understand what's going on with our lives. I felt like it was a help group haha. But really, it was a breathe of fresh air.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

I know my CALCULUS.. It equals U + ME = US

Good ol' days. Remember that song? Lol.

I signed up for Calculus 1. The first part of a two series curriculum. It consists mostly of Derivatives and Differentiation. I've never been that good in Calculus, but it can also be because I didn't take it seriously as an Undergraduate. Man, I hated waking up 8am just to go to a class I dreaded and here I am signing up for the series.. Im ready!! Or am I????

I've participated in sports my whole life and I always wanted to be a professional athlete. A couple of years ago I injured my leg and I felt like killing myself for a very long time. Not literally, but I was really depressed. There are no classes that can prepare you for injury and how to mentally deal with it. I kind of just went through life always thinking, "what could have been." After in a way getting over it (not really, haha), I decided to turn my energy and determination for sports into the world of medicine and the scholastics. There's more to the story, but I'll explain it some time later.

Can you imagine me? Trying to channel my, all testosterone, wanting to beat you in a race, you're to slow for me competitive attitude into a sit-down classroom? I'm too gitty and cannot sit down for long periods of time... Some how I'm going to make this work. So when I get that "A" on the next test, I will yell to the top of my lungs, "hell yahh!!" "GIMME FIVE!" "Booya!" Chest bumps, knuckle pounds, bashing heads all because of a piece of paper that has a single letter, A...

Here we go.. I think I will call this sport... "Pre-Medicining..."

Position: Guard
Specialty: Kicking some bad grade butts for that A
Sponsors: None, but glad to accept offers!
Years in the league: less than 1 year

First game of the season: Calculus 1- Differentiation


Sunday, September 6, 2009

Classes. Oh Classes. Let me in!

After trying to decide what classes I want to start my Science course in, I finally narrowed it down to Chemistry and Calculus. I'm starting a new job at the same time so I don't want to get to crazy this quarter. Right before I registered, I just wanted to talk to the adviser and see if I might be lacking anything. Turns out, my school does not offer a lab for chemistry! If I am not mistaken, almost every medical school requires Chemistry with lab/1 year. I was advised if I need a lab, take my Chemistry and Organic Chemistry at another school. Unfortunately, all the Community Colleges have already started class and no other University will let me in. haha. So then I thought, I might as well go for Bio because they have a lab. Low and behold, wait list.

Ok, a little bump on the road. Statistics? wait list. Ouch. 0/3. Hmm. Calculus? Placement test. We'll see.

Moral of the story? It was 3 weeks before school started, so I'd say, do what I have been doing, 2 weeks earlier.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Bump on the road.. But no biggie.

Being a non-traditional pre med student, I find it very difficult to get good advice on planning out the rest of my academic year. I called the “pre-health” consultant, and I would have to say she was, hmmm.. Oh who am i kidding?? The lady absolutely sucked. You know right away an employee sucks when you ask for help and they just look so annoyed even though helping people is part of their job description.

“But what if she was having a bad day?” I totally agree and I think about that quite often. In this scenario or scenarios, she has been like this to me for the past few times we have talked. Now I am not having a fit, but would like to fill everyone in my shoes this. If you want help, you gotta go out and get it. You can’t just expect to walk in an office all the time and have someone hand you a plate of guidance. Information no matter what it is, comes with a price. That price my friend is resilience. It sounds kind of cheesy, but today I had to compare my classes I will be taking for the next two quarters and call every Medical School I want to apply to, and see if they will transfer over and be accepted. Usually advisers are great at this and they get paid for it, but we don’t have that luxury and we must do twice as much to get to medical school as Non-Traditionals.

I had a very tedious, but educational experience calling 20 medical schools. If anyone needs help on this topic, email me! Haha, Im pretty versed on it. Anyway, 90% of my classes will be accepted and the rest we’ll have to find out in a couple more days as I take a break from the cell phone.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Hello Pre meds, Non Traditional Pre Meds, Med Students, Physicians, and everyone visiting this blog!

As a new blogger, I would just like to explain myself as to the formation of this blog.

I graduated from University a couple years ago and since then, I have been working. I’ve always wanted to become a Doctor but time, money, bills and family matters have kept me from fulfilling my goal. Now that I got certain things in my life straightened, I decided now is the right time to start my path as a Pre med student.

I didn’t graduate from University with a science major, so now I must take on the challenge of the Sciences! To me, it’s pretty hard to get good advice about how to prepare for medical school and the other classes I need to take as a non traditional pre med student.

With that, I will blog about my experiences and share with everyone my journey to medical school. Please comment, share experiences, and share some advices!! I hope one day this will help people to follow their dreams and not give up. This is going to be a very interesting couple of years ahead of me. Enjoy.